Industry indicators published within the service are calculated based on the financial data of enterprises, provided by the Central Statistical Office of Poland by means of:
- Local Data Bank (BDL),
- Analytical Platform of the Analyses and Decisions Support System (SWAiD).
The financial data is provided for enterprises employing at least 50 people.
The Local Data Bank can be found at Local Data Bank. It provides financial data since 2007 until now. However, the data for 2007 is provided only for the whole year (i.e. based on F-01/I-01 forms submitted after the end of the year). For the other periods the data is published quarterly based on the F-01/I-01 forms. The source data published after 2015 does not include ‘The result on economic activity’ and ‘The result on extraordinary events’ according to the current Accounting Act (JoL. 1994 no. 121, pos. 591 with ch.).
The Analytical Platform of the Analyses and Decisions Support System can be found at SWAiD Platform. It provides financial data since 2010 until now. The data is based on the F-01/I-01 forms and, similarly to the data provided by the Local Data Bank, it is published quarterly. The source data does not include ‘The result on economic activity’ and ‘The result on extraordinary events’, regardless of the year of publication.
The Local Data Bank and the Analytical Platform of the Analyses and Decisions Support System classify the enterprises into 16 sections, according to the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) 2007 (compliant with the NACE classification). Additionally, there is a ‘Total’ section gathering the information on all enterprises included in the analysis.
Furthermore the data provided by the Local Data Bank is divided into 41, 23 or 17 territorial units, which depending on the selected classification, include Poland, 7 super-regions, up to 17 regions and 16 voivodeships. The Analytical Platform of the Analyses and Decisions Support System distinguishes 17 territorial units, including Poland and the 16 voivodeships. In the latter case, the data for each territorial unit is made available under a different URL address.
The Analytical Platform of the Analyses and Decisions Support System provides also yearly data based on the full balance sheets as well as profit and loss statements. Currently the data covers the years 2008-2016. The data is divided into 18 sections, according to the PKD 2007 classification, however it is only available for the region of Poland. Similarly to the quarterly data, there is also an additional ‘Total’ section.
The service uses the data published by the Central Statistical Office of Poland to compute the industry indicators. The source data is automatically synchronized with the data provided by the Local Data Bank and the Analytical Platform of the Analyses and Decisions Support System. The information about the most recent data updates is published in the News section.
The methodology of collecting and processing industry data based on the information published by the Central Statistical Office of Poland has been devised by Technicenter Sp. z o.o. within the scope of research project conducted in cooperation with the University of Economics in Katowice, Department of Corporate Finance and Insurance and the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Software Unit. The development of the above methodology has been also partially supported by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020.